850nm Vs. 940nm IR Lights – What is the Difference?
What is the difference between an IR illuminator 850nm and 940nm?
Radiation intensity: The radiation intensity of the 850nm Infrared LED is about two to three times higher than that of the 940nm IR light.
Is 850nm & 940nm IR Light Invisible?
Both 850nm and 940nm IR Light is invisible to the human eye as Light. Meaning, both 850nm and 940nm IR Light does not illuminate a scene in the dark for our eyes. Only a security camera or other IR sensitive imaging device can use IR light as illumination in the same way our eyes use white light as illumination. While a scene illuminated with IR Light looks dark to our eyes, it will illuminated when a security camera or other IR sensitive device is used to view it.
Why are IR Illuminators made with both 850nm IR Light and 940nm IR light?
Although both 940nm and 850nm IR light are invisible as light, the 850nm IR light can have a slight red glow at the source for higher power IR illuminators. With low-power 850nm IR light Illuminators this glow is negligible, if not invisible.
About 850nm Infrared Lights for Security Cameras
IR Illuminators with 850nm IR light are most often used for security camera lighting, CCTV lighting and other applications. The range of 850nm IR light has a clear advantage since it has a longer range and best for most security cameras. Since the IR Light wavelength has a longer range it requires less watts/energy per feet of coverage compared to 940nm IR light. Some Security cameras are also not as sensitive to 940nm light reducing the range and effectiveness of 940nm IR light further.
About 940nm Infared Light IR Illuminators
IR Illuminators with 940nm IR Light are commonly used for surveillance, and security lighting. The reduced distance of 940nm IR is acceptable in settings in which any red glow at the source is undesirable. These types of sites include: subways and railroads where the red glow could be mistaken as a signal. They are also used by law enforcement for covert surveillance. These are a few applications for 940nm IR light Illuminators but there are many others.
Color and Infrared Lights
Infrared Light images are Black and White. IR Light in any IR wavelength used by a camera or other imaging device, always produces Black & White images, unlike “White” light which has the light wavelengths our eyes see as color. Some night vision equipment produces a green image but the image will still have a single color with a gradient of values, like a black and white photograph.